Leaked Manitoba Hydro Document Confirms CTF Concerns

Author: Colin Craig 2014/05/22

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) released a leaked Manitoba Hydro audit document today that raised concerns with dam consultation bills racked up by the York Factory First Nation and paid for by Manitoba Hydro.

The audit document looked at just two years (2011-12 and 2012-13) of spending by the York Factory First Nation. Based on other documents obtained by the CTF the expenditures in question appear to total $5.4 million. The audit summary document noted:

  • “Mileage claims that did not match amounts paid to staff” (page 4)
  • “$78,500 to $108,000 estimate of overpayment of airfares” (page 9)
  • “$250,000 Keeyask advance” – staff are working to “reach agreement on reconciliation or repayment of the $250,000 Keeyask advance.” (page 10)
  • “5 other non-compliant items with estimated value between $29,995 and $105,495” (page 9)
  • “Inability to fully reconcile advances (missing back up)” (page 4)
  • “Lack of response to questions and requests for additional back up in a timely fashion (resulting in amounts deducted from claims)” (page 4)

“The audit found these problems after looking into just two years and $5 million of bills by one band,” said CTF Prairie Director Colin Craig. “Meanwhile, Manitoba Hydro refuses to disclose the details on the full $251 million in bills racked up by northern reserves over the past 14 years. What else are they hiding?”

The CTF has been working with aboriginal whistleblowers on this issue since 2009, when it learned of meetings to discuss Hydro projects up north that were allegedly full of expensive door prizes and people getting paid large sums to attend. Unfortunately, Manitoba Hydro has refused to release a single receipt from the $251 million spent up north on these “negotiations.” Last year the CTF released a leaked audit letter from an accounting firm raising concerns with bills racked up by Tataskweyak Cree Nation and paid by Hydro.

“Clearly, there are a lot of whistleblowers at Manitoba Hydro that have stuck their neck out to leak documents over the years,” added Craig. “We know they’re genuinely concerned about the direction Manitoba Hydro is going in and trying to raise alarm bells. We applaud their efforts.”

To view the latest leaked document – click here.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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